Valkyrie, also known as Brunnhilde, is a Marvel Comics superhero who first appeared in Avengers #83 in 1970. She is a member of the Asgardian race and was chosen by Odin to lead the Valkyrior, a group of warrior goddesses who serve the ruler of Asgard.
Valkyrie possesses incredible physical strength, agility, and endurance, as well as the ability to fly using her winged horse, Aragorn. She is also skilled in armed and unarmed combat and possesses a magical sword called Dragonfang, which can cut through almost anything.
Valkyrie has been a member of the Avengers, Defenders, and Secret Avengers, and has worked alongside other notable Marvel heroes such as Thor, Doctor Strange, and Captain America. She is a fierce and noble warrior who is dedicated to protecting the innocent and defeating evil, both on Earth and in Asgard.
Valkyrie has also been depicted as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, having been romantically involved with other female characters in Marvel comics. This representation has been praised for its positive impact on LGBTQ+ readers and for promoting greater diversity in comics.