Victor Stone, also known as Cyborg, is a DC Comics superhero who first appeared in 1980. Victor was originally a high school athlete and student who was severely injured in a tragic accident. To save his life, his scientist father rebuilt his body with advanced cybernetic technology.
Now half-man, half-machine, Cyborg possesses superhuman strength and the ability to interface with all forms of technology. He is also able to manipulate and transform his cybernetic body, including creating weapons from his own body parts.
As a member of the Justice League, Cyborg uses his abilities to fight against supervillains and protect humanity from threats both on Earth and in space. He is known for his intelligence and leadership skills, often serving as a key strategist for the team.
Cyborg has also been a prominent member of various incarnations of the Teen Titans, a group of young heroes who work together to protect the world from danger. His struggles with his cybernetic nature and his relationship with his father have been central themes in his character development.
Cyborg has appeared in various DC Comics adaptations, including animated series, video games, and the DC Extended Universe films. He remains a popular and beloved character in the DC Comics universe.