Cable, also known as Nathan Summers, is a Marvel Comics superhero known for his time-traveling abilities and powerful telekinetic and telepathic powers. Created by writer Louise Simonson and artist Rob Liefeld, Cable made his first appearance in New Mutants #87 in 1990.
Nathan Summers is the son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. He was infected with a deadly virus as a baby and was sent into the future to be cured. There, he was trained as a warrior and developed his powerful abilities.
Cable is known for his advanced technology and weaponry, which he uses to fight against various threats to the Marvel universe. He is a member of the X-Men and has also led his own team, X-Force.
Cable's most notable ability is his time-traveling powers, which allow him to travel through different eras and alternate timelines. He often uses this power to prevent catastrophic events from occurring and to protect the timeline.
Throughout his comic book history, Cable has had various story arcs and relationships with other Marvel characters. He has had a complicated relationship with his father, Cyclops, and has been romantically linked to characters such as Domino and Hope Summers.
In popular culture, Cable has been featured in various Marvel films, TV shows, and video games, and has been portrayed by actors such as Josh Brolin. He has become a popular and iconic member of the Marvel Comics universe, known for his time-traveling abilities, powerful technology, and complex backstory.
Overall, Cable has become an important and meaningful part of the Marvel Comics universe, known for his incredible powers, complicated relationships, and dedication to protecting the timeline. He has become an inspiration to many, as a symbol of strength, resilience, and determination.